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Routine Services

Dental care, microchipping, neutering and more

  • Flea Treatments
  • Vaccination
  • Dental Care
  • Microchipping
  • Neutering
  • Pet Travel

Flea Treatments

Fleas are wingless insects that live in the fur of your animal. They feed by sucking blood from their host and inject saliva whilst they do so.

Fleas cause lots of problems for dogs and cats, especially when their numbers increase and your pet starts itching, scratching or biting its own skin. Your pet may suddenly start this behaviour to get some relief from the itchy feeling, and is possible that it becomes allergic to the flea saliva so skin irritations can occur.

Fleas are tiny and you may not see them but some symptomatic signs your pet may show include:

  • Excessive licking
  • Reddened skin
  • Restlessness or agitation 
  • Skin lesions
  • Scab like bumps.

Animals with a severe infestation of fleas may develop anaemia. This can occur just through the loss of blood from the amount of fleas drinking from your pet, and in young animals this can be fatal.

We can help your pet get rid of these undesired guests recommending the most effective and reliable flea treatments available on the market.


Regular vaccination is core to the health and well being of your pet. This prevents infection with serious and potentially fatal illnesses.

Your Puppy/Dog

Vaccinations in your pet can start at six weeks of age, but we normally advise waiting until 8 weeks. It is a two-stage process. At the first vaccination consultation we will carry out a full examination of your pet and give the first part of the course. The second part of the course is given 28 days later. Annual booster vaccinations are needed.

Vaccination courses for dogs:

  • Canine parvo virus
  • Canine distemper virus
  • Canine parainfluenza virus
  • Canine infectious hepatitis
  • Canine infectious leptospirosis

Your Kitten/Cat

Vaccinations in your pet can start at nine weeks of age. It is a two-stage process. At the first vaccination consultation we will carry out a full examination of your pet and give the first part of the course. The second part of the course must be given between 21 and 28 days later. Annual booster vaccinations are needed.

Vaccination courses for cats:

  • Feline rhinotracheitis and calici viruses
  • Feline panleucopenia virus
  • Feline leukaemia virus

Your Rabbit

Vaccination courses for rabbits:

  • Myxomatosis
  • Viral hemorrhagic disease

These can be started at six weeks of age. We offer a combined vaccination which provides protection from both diseases for twelve months.

Dental Care

Oral hygiene plays a very important part in the maintenance of your pet's general health. We can evaluate your pet's general dental health and offer advice and instruction for optimum care.

We are able to provide all routine dental procedures such as ultrasonic scaling, polishing and dental extractions plus dental radiography.


Microchipping is now a legal requirement for all dogs and cats.

Collars and tags can get lost or removed. A microchip cannot be lost and as such is the only reliable permanent marking system available.

A microchip is inserted under your pets skin via a hypodermic needle. This gives your pet a unique 15 digit code. This can be scanned and the code matched up to your personal contact details, which will have been entered onto a central database such as the national PetLog database as part of the microchipping process.


Neutering is the removal of an animal's reproductive organs. Specifically, females are spayed and males are castrated.

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy it is necessary to have your pet neutered. When male animals are castrated, it means that the testicles are removed. This prevents sexual behaviour, fighting, territory disputes, and exposure from viral diseases. Females have a small cut on their side. Through this, the ovaries and the uterine horns are removed down to the level of the cervix. This prevents unwanted pregnancies, continual calling (in cats) and reduces the risk of formation of mammary tumours and serious infection of the uterus.

Ages for neutering:

  • Cats (for both sexes) – from 6 months of age
  • Bitches – from 6 months, depending on breed
  • Dogs – from 6 months, depending on breed
  • Rabbits – from 4 months

Pet Travel

We offer a complete service for Animal Health Certificates and assistance with exporting your pets abroad.

Our veterinary surgeons are Local Veterinary Inspectors and can act on behalf of DEFRA to authorise and complete the relevant documents.

For further information on passports or exports please visit the DEFRA website.

Veterinary Services

Veterinary Services

We provide a wide range of veterinary services.